Cranioscaral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy Is a very gentle speciality within Osteopathy, it supports the natural healing processes of many difficult cases, including those where you may be expected to simply ‘live with’ your condition or when surgery has been recommended.

make sure that the body’s framework is in alignment

Natural Healing

Craniosacral Therapy is a very gentle and non-invasive manual technique that works to make sure that the body’s framework is in alignment, allowing a good blood and nerve supply to internal organs, and relieving any tension in the muscles and bones that could be restricting these.

Craniosacral Therapy aims to treat the person holistically, i.e. not just the physical condition. It is helpful to people of all ages and has been successful in treating diverse conditions such as acute back and neck pain, migraines and sinus problems. Indeed treatment may also benefit general health and well-being.

When we experience physical or emotional stresses our body tissues tend to tighten up. Any tensions in the body can restrict a person’s freedom of movement and disrupt cranial rhythm. Gradually the body may find it more and more difficult to cope with the accumulated stresses and symptoms may develop.

restore a calming balance to natural biorhythms

Cranioscaral Therapy Treatment

During treatment some Patients may experience sensations of warmth or fluid movement whereas others may simply experience deep relaxation.

Craniosacral Therapy works with the body’s involuntary mechanisms, helping to restore a calming balance to natural biorhythms by means of gentle massage of the skull.

The Involuntary Mechanism or the Cranial Rhythm is a rhythmical shape change that is present in all body tissues, which can be felt by cranial therapists . The movement was first described in the early 1900’s by Dr. William G. Sutherland and its existence was confirmed in a series of laboratory tests in the 1960’s and ’70’s. It is very subtle but very powerful treatment. Tensions within the body can disrupt the cranial rhythm.

Accumulation of stress and strain in the body

It is common for us to feel that when we experience physical or emotional stress, our body tissues tend to tighten up. Although our bodies are generally able to adapt to stress at the time, a lasting strain may remain. Any remaining tension may be held in the body and can restrict its free movement. As time goes by, the body may find it more and more difficult to cope with accumulated stresses and eventually symptoms may develop.

Cranioscaral Therapy Treatment

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