Qi Chic

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”

– Lao Tzu


The Qi Chic

Hi Alwyn here and I invite you to read about how and why I created The Qi Chic name and how I came across Qigong.

During the pandemic in 2020 & 2021, we were in lockdown for a few months and it’s was an opportunity for me to practice more Qigong and Meditation, even though I practice every day, I was now spending some of my days during lockdown practicing anything from 2 hours to 6 hours a day, rising at 5.50am to start my practice. It was like my very own personal retreat. When you have  two businesses in operation and have family commitments, sometimes it can be a challenge to get time to yourself because you’re the one needed to show up everyday with a smile on your face. So I took this time as an opportunity to work on myself because I knew I still had a lot to heal within. This time allowed me space to process my emotions and strengthen my physical body and mind through Qigong and Meditation.

As a result of the hours I spent on my practice, I’ve experienced phenomenal healing results both in my physical, mental and emotional bodies and one of them that I would love to share with you is, my whole physical alignment completely changed, my whole body was so much more flexible ,stronger and fitter. Part of this healing process brought my old injuries to surface, this included my neck, back, hip and shoulder injuries. Rewind back to 2015 I was crippled with pain to the point I had to give up my position as a hair stylist. during this time there was days I couldn’t drive my car, lift a shopping bag or do other simple tasks, it was debilitating . So when you practice qigong you can go through a healing process and, you may experience some old injuries or emotions that come to surface. This is a good sign once you are not over doing it with your practice. Then after the healing comes transformation and then you can reach a stage of maximum human potential . As a result of going through these stages I experienced some magical creative episodes throughout this time, both in my personal growth and business development for both businesses, Oxygen Hair Design and Oxygen Mind Body Soul. Wellness & Education.

Not only did this time help me with my growth in both my personal and business life but it was such a powerful self care tool and experience to help me to stay calm and centred during the pandemic, along with building my immune system to fight off any viruses, if I were to come in contact with.

As we all know there was a lot of fear swirling around in the outside world during this time and I didn’t want to buy into that fear, I had a lot at risk at this time with the business and my priority was to keep my mind as positive as possible.

Qigong Alwyn Rea

Photo courtesy of White Tiger Qigong

One's true nature is revealed in time of difficulty

spontaneous creation

Inspiration Through Meditation

I travelled to India in January 2019 and stayed in an Ashram, we meditated a few times every day and coming to the end of our trip, during our last few meditations I kept seeing an image of an Asian  old  man with a long white beard.  I strongly felt there was a message in the meditations  for my new path ahead. I curiously ask myself  “what could this message mean, am I to learn how to teach yoga ?, I am in India practicing yoga and meditation”  I left the curiosity go and packed my bags to return back home to Ireland. 

A few days after I returned home, I was scrolling through social media and I came across an advert for White Tiger Qigong.teacher training in Thailand. I clicked to go to their website and guess what Image I first see ? I couldn’t believe  my eyes, it was a photo of the old Asian guy with the long white beard. This was the Asian man I  had seen in my final meditations in India. I was blown away and I instantly knew and  felt that this teacher training course was for me. Even though I had just returned from India, It felt so right so I booked my place on the 5 Element Medical Qigong and 8 Trigram teacher training course with White Tiger Qigong in Thailand 2019.

This is an example of a regular  mediation practice . You move into higher states of consciousness and open the doors to infinite possibilities .

Ever since this experience I now meditate every day and if I need clarity around a situation or if Im working on a project I’ll meditate 3 times a day to help me with my answers and  inspiration.

Creating The Qi Chic

One day after my meditation practice I spontaneously created the Qi Chic name without not much thought at all, and before I knew it, I had created an Instagram page for my Qigong photos and videos and named it, The_Qi_Chic.

I had no intentions previously to create the Instagram page but as soon as it was created, it made sense to have one page for my Qigong journey and one page for the wellness centre – Oxygen Mind, Body, Soul and we had an existing page for the salon Oxygen Hair Design.

The Wellness & Salon  page are more of a business page and the Qigong page is more of my own personal qigong journey along with sharing the health benefits of Qigong.

I suppose once The Qi Chic page was created I looked at it as my photo album for my self healing journey to journal my Qigong journey so I could look back on the memories in years to come and if my story and posts help someone along the way, well then the page served a purpose.

I found it fascinating that both names Oxygen and The Qi Chic are so aligned with each other without putting any thought into the process. Oxygen & Qi when translated have the a similar meaning. In Chinese Medicine terms Qi literal translates to Vital Air. Qi in the body is the metabolism of Oxygen in the body, and the movement of oxygenated blood through the vascular system. Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture focuses on the movement of blood and the movement of oxygen throughout our cells, and its importance on our health.

Looking back now to 2008 when i opened the salon,  I feel I intuitively created and chose  the name Oxygen without any awareness at the time and  little did I know that I would be working with Qi in years to come.

Qigong Journey
it all made sense

Health Benefits & Creative Flow

Nowadays I usually go with the flow during creative process and it’s only afterwards I look at the results and say to myself

“Oh that all makes sense to why I made certain choices without any effort or much thinking going into the process “

I usually go on feeling when inspiration comes to surface, and if it feels good at the time then it’s the right choice for that idea, project or clarity to a situation.

Qigong and Meditation have been a huge part of my journey and I truly believe I wouldn’t be where I am today without them because of the remarkable healing and transformational  benefits.

Qigong and Meditation have been such a powerful self care tool for me and have helped me heal and transform  in the toughest and darkest times with the life changing challenges and tragedies I have faced over the last few years.

I feel blessed that I found and connected with this ancient wisdom and  self practices to help me along the journey called life .

Because of the profound benefits on my health and well-being with these amazing ancient healing systems.

I decided my mission in life would be to learn how to help others, using these amazing ancient healing systems.

I really hope that the tools and practices that have changed my life and those of many others can help you feel good and lead you to a healthy, happy, balanced life.

Alwyn x

Alwyn Rea The Qi Chic
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